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The 8 best adult games on Steam that are controversial to this day

Every once in a while, it’s good to let your inner demons run loose.

In the immortal words of Rocky Balboa, “The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows.” We all have those days when it feels like everything is conspiring against us – whether it’s at work, school, or in our personal lives. At, we’re all about promoting calm and clear-headed problem-solving, but let’s face it – sometimes all we really need is to indulge in a little virtual mayhem and let our inner demons run wild. 

That’s why we’re here to offer up an alternative solution: a selection of seriously offensive games for adults to play on Steam. Think of it as a safe space to unleash your pent-up stress and anger without worrying about the consequences. So, if you’ve had a particularly rough day and you’re itching to dive into a world of debauchery, gore, and explicit violence that would make your family and neighbors call in the SWAT team if they caught wind of it, don’t sweat it – we’ve got your back with our ranking of adult-only video games.

Ranking of adult-only PC games

“Wait a second,” you might say, “so, if this is a ranking of 18+ games, does the lower position indicate a game has less disturbing content, or is it just of poor quality? Which one should I pick?” We admit that these are both valid questions. Frankly, when creating this list, we focused only on top-notch picks. However, we also chose titles that delve into different aspects of adult content and the darker side of gaming. Some are strange and explore deeply disturbing and grotesque sexual themes, while others depict violence and gore in unsettling yet very plausible scenarios.

That’s why we say, “Go ahead and try them all,” especially if you’re having a rough day and need an outlet for your frustrations. And if we can help you snag a good deal on them, all the better. With that being said, we need to warn you about one thing. If you dive into these games, maybe do it when you’re alone at home, preferably with a headset on. Unless you’re itching for a visit from some stern-faced cops knocking on your door, that is. All set up? Alright, let’s jump headfirst into the madness and gore!

8. Fear & Hunger

If you’ve ever wondered whether severing an enemy’s hand during combat would affect their fighting capabilities, now’s your chance to find out! Welcome to the twisted world of Fear & Hunger, the gruesome horror dungeon crawler that ranked 8th on our list of adult only video games. Imagine old-school Castlevania graphics meets turn-based combat of Final Fantasy games with difficulty multiplied by 10. Seriously, you’ll be shouting obscenities every time your character bites the dust in the most brutal ways imaginable.

But here’s the kicker – while the difficulty level might put off some younger players, it’s not why the game earned its AO rating. Oh no, it’s the downright explicit and disturbing imagery that’ll have you questioning your sanity. We’re talking dismembered bodies, mutilation, cannibalism, orgies, and even some enemies flashing private parts that can be targeted during battle. Absolutely sick! Don’t get us wrong, though – Fear & Hunger is a solid game but you’ll need nerves of steel and a strong stomach to brave its sadistic and grotesque story.

7. Agony

 Agony is a horror and stealth game set in Hell.

Ever heard the saying, “If you’re going through hell, keep going”? Well, get ready, as our next pick, Agony from Madmind Studio, takes that phrase quite literally. We’re talking horror meets walking simulator set in the twisted depths of the underworld.

In Agony, you play as a tormented soul trying to navigate the infernal labyrinth of Gehenna. During your journey, you’ll be solving puzzles and dodging demons as you cling to the faintest glimmer of hope for escape. And let us tell you, God-forsaken place is no picnic – impaled bodies, grotesque nudity, and enough blood to make your stomach churn. Unfortunately, while the design of Hell is downright insane, Agony falls short in other areas, with repetitive gameplay and a few technical hiccups dampening the experience. That said, if you’re willing to sacrifice a piece of your sanity for a taste of inferno, Agony might just be worth a shot – especially if you can find a good deal on it.

6. Postal

Postal, one of the most controversial games earning the AO rating.

Hey, you there! Yeah, you! Wanna buy some milk? Oh, and how about a side of indiscriminate genocide with that? Because let’s not kid ourselves – no list of AO games would be complete without at least one installment of Postal, one of the most controversial games in history banned in several countries.

In the Postal series, we step into the shoes of the aptly named Postal Dude, a deranged and hateful individual on a mission to save his hometown, Paradise, from a toxic agent spread by the government. Don’t let this glorious mission fool you! It’s just an excuse for the real agenda: unleashing unspeakable violence on the unsuspecting residents of the town. So, if you’ve had a bad day, give Postal a chance if you’re willing to overlook some dated graphics and a whole lot of nonsense.

5. Outlast 2

Outlast 2 is a fantastic mix of horror and stealth game with some gore moments.

Imagine you’re in the business of creating terrifying adult PC games, but your latest creation is so disturbingly graphic that you must edit it to meet an M rating. That’s precisely what happened with Red Barrels and their unsettling title, Outlast 2.

Outlast 2 serves as a walking (occasionally “running-blindly”) simulator where players assume the role of Blake Langermann as he searches for his wife in a rural, desolate area of Arizona. Unfortunately, the locals aren’t welcoming to outsiders, and if caught, you can expect the worst imaginable fate. The game also delves into Blake’s past through occasional flashbacks to his time at school. This is where a significant amount of cut content is discovered, much of which is highly suggestive of involuntary moments between a teacher and a student. 

Honestly, we enjoyed Outlast 2 immensely. Our only complaint about the game is that, with all the farming tools just lying around, we wish we could occasionally defend ourselves from the crazed hillbillies.

4. GTA San Andreas

GTA San Andreas - from zero to kingpin

It shouldn’t surprise anyone to find a GTA entry on our list. After all, Rockstar’s series has always danced on the edge between M-rated titles and strictly AO games, and GTA San Andreas is no exception.

Now, we all know the gist of CJ’s journey to rule the streets of San Andreas, so let’s skip the story, shall we? However, what you may not know is that San Andreas was temporarily re-rated AO due to the discovery of an incomplete “Hot Coffee” minigame. And no, it had nothing to do with becoming a barista and whipping up lattes. Instead, it allowed the characters to get very cozy and intimate in ways that make older ladies either blush or talk about moral decay.

Rockstar later released a patch that removed the offending content, reverting the game’s rating to M. Nowadays, the controversy’s cooled off a bit, so we’re giving GTA San Andreas a solid spot at number 4 on our list.

3. Succubus

Going back to Hell again with Succubus for a wild and brutal ride in a fast paced AO game
Madmind Studio is back at it again, adding to the roster of Adult Only video games with Succubus – a spicier, action-packed spin-off of Agony. Despite some lingering flaws, the game boasts noticeable improvements over its predecessor, earning it a solid number 3 slot on our list.

Also worth reading:
10 best NSFW games for adults to play on PC & Steam in 2024

In Succubus, you step into the heels of Vydija – the titular female demon – as she carves her bloody path through the depths of Hell in pursuit of revenge. This time around, we don’t rely on stealth but rather on our reflexes as we slice and dice hundreds of demons using swords, spears, bows, and an impressive array of spells. What hasn’t changed is the grotesque horrors of Hell, with rivers of blood flowing freely and partially naked demons sporting mutilated bodies trying to tear us apart.

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2. Manhunt

Manhunt is one of the most graphic adult only video games on Steam
Do you remember how we said Rockstar’s games always flirt with that AO rating? Well, forget all of that when it comes to Manhunt – a strange mix of psychological thriller and stealth game that dove headfirst into the deep end of gore and brutality, making it one of the most controversial games in history, banned in countries all over the world.

“So, what’s the deal with it?” you might ask. Unlike most of the other titles on our list, Manhunt serves up a disturbingly plausible storyline. You play as James Earl Cash, a death row inmate who dodges the needle only to find himself thrust into a twisted reality show where he must battle against hunters sent to kill him. Well, let us rephrase that, as it’s not about battling. You see, to win over the bloodthirsty crowd (and earn his freedom), Cash has to execute his enemies in the most gruesome, graphic ways imaginable, using the game’s three-step execution system. With a stash of weapons like baseball bats, hammers, glass shards, and even plastic bags, Manhunt becomes the ultimate simulator of a blood-soaked, demented killer.

Well, almost the ultimate. Because next up, we’re diving into…


Our topic infamous pick of all the 18+ games you can play on PC - Hatred
Behold, THE ultimate demented killer simulator and an unquestionable winner of our ranking of games for adults to play on Steam – the notorious HATRED. Now, if you take a stroll through the Steam reviews, you will stumble upon many jokers calling it the “shy kid from the back of the class” simulator or claiming it’s all about spreading love and peace. But don’t let these pranksters fool you.

HATRED is, in fact, an isometric shooter in which you step into the boots of the Antagonist – yep, that’s his actual in-game name. Fed up with the world and the people who inhabit it, the man embarks on a mass-murder spree, leaving a trail of mutilated bodies in his wake. And here’s the most controversial part – there’s hardly any plot to speak of, making the whole experience even more stomach-churning.

See, all the other games on our list had some semblance of a reason behind the violence – revenge, self-defense, or a desperate bid for survival. Even the Postal Dude just wanted to stop the evil government, right? It wasn’t entirely his fault the town turned on him. But the Antagonist in HATRED? He commits unspeakably vile mass shootings simply because he hates everybody. And for us, that is enough to earn HATRED the title of the most controversial AO game in our ranking.

Here we are, at the end of what probably turned out to be one of the grimmest and darkest rankings we’ve ever compiled. But hey, on a slightly brighter and more serious note, if you’re having a rough day, remember there are always people who care about you and are there to lend a hand – whether it’s your family, friends, or even professionals you can talk to. Heck, even petting a cat or a dog can work wonders too!

However, if you’re looking for a bit of catharsis after dealing with those nasty bosses, ungrateful classmates, or unfriendly neighbors, you might want to consider giving one of our AO game suggestions a try. Oh, and speaking of controversial titles, do you know any others? What makes them so? Let’s hear your thoughts! Until then, stay safe, and sane!

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