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All Adult Swim Games titles will be delisted by May! Get them for cheap now

Buy them while they’re still available!

Sadly, there’s troubling news about Adult Swim Games titles. Delisted Games reports that the company’s entire catalog will be pulled from distribution within the next 60 days. The exact date of removal is unknown, so it’s advisable to act quickly and secure Adult Swim Games titles on before they vanish for good.

What Adult Swim Games titles will be delisted?

Delisted Games has released a list of Adult Swim Games titles that will be discontinued. However, these marked with an asterisk are no longer published by Adult Swim Games, so it’s unlikely they’ll be removed. The list goes as follows:

You can also use our preset to browse all Adult Swim Games titles, compare prices, and add the ones you like to your digital library!

How do you feel about the removal of Adult Swim Games titles from distribution? Are you going to grab some of them before they disappear? Let us know!

Source: Delisted Games

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