Gaming News

8 Games With Unique Health Systems

Health is a central complement of nearly every game on the market. It’s such a core mechanic, in fact, that it’s easy to take it for granted. However, every once in a while, a game comes along that puts a twist on things.




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Sometimes it can be as simple as changing some words around. Other times, the fundamentals themselves are redone entirely to create something brand new. Whichever the case may be, these titles have proven to separate themselves from the mold by introducing the idea of health in ways that uniquely fit them.

1 Deus Ex

Perks Of Being A Cyborg

The Deus Ex series contains some of the most well-regarded science fiction stories in all gaming, and it began with the immersive sim released in 2000. Deus Ex contains, on the surface at least, a standard point-based health system. But it has a unique feature stemming from how the game deals with individual limbs.

Location-based damage isn’t something completely unheard of, as seen in other popular titles like the Fallout series. But Deus takes things further than others, allowing you to completely shatter your legs and crawl around everywhere. And good luck being able to aim when your aim is skewed from broken arms.

2 Sifu

Wisdom From Experience

Sifu is a hard-hitting martial arts title with a unique premise. Death does not result in a game over right away. Instead, it increases the age of your protagonist, with each decade increasing your damage but decreasing your maximum health.

This creates a system similar to what is found in the Dark Souls franchise, wherein dying can make subsequent runs more difficult by forcing you to approach situations more carefully. However, unlike Fromsoftware’s iconic series, Sifu’s progressive increase in offensive power means you won’t be at a complete disadvantage.

3 Hotline Miami

One Hit Wonder

Hotline Miami character with enemies all around him

One of the most beloved indie titles of all time, Hotline Miami is a neon-drenched, violent romp set against a bumping soundtrack. Playing as a vigilante bent on taking down the Russian mob, this task is made significantly more challenging by your own health, or lack thereof.


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In Hotline Miami, barring a few exceptions, both you and your enemies go down in just a single swing of a bat or bullet from a pistol. Having a single hitpoint isn’t all that new in gaming, but Hotline Miami handles it splendidly. Rather than encouraging slow, methodical gameplay, Hotline Miami acts as an adrenaline-fueled ride that prioritizes all-out aggression—a message that fits nicely with the game’s themes.

4 Guitar Hero

Crowd Pleaser

Guitar hero game over

Being a rockstar isn’t all glitz and glory. A bad performance can be difficult to live down, a theme that is built into the core of Guitar Hero. The prolific rhythm game series has an interesting way of making sure that you and your friends truly know how to rock.

When it’s going good, you can feel the intoxicating aura of the excited crowd chanting for more. Perform poorly, however, and rather than your standard game over screen, you’ll have to watch you and your poor band getting heckled offstage by a very frustrated crowd. It’s a shameful sight that sticks with you, encouraging you to live up to the game’s title and become a legend of rock and roll.

5 UFC 5

Protect Yourself At All Times

Doctor stops fight from cut in UFC 5

The UFC games created by EA are some of the unique fighting games on the market. Thanks to their implementation of simulation elements, the blend of realism and gameplay mechanics helps to create an authentic combat sports experience. These are ideals that carry over into how health is calculated.

In UFC 5, each limb, as well as your head and torso, are tracked independently of one another. Taking too much damage in any of these areas can result in a loss, which forces you to create a strategy of exactly how you’ll put damage onto your opponent. No matter where you hit, you’re going to slow your opponent down. Either by lowering their stamina with shots to the body, slowing them down with kicks to the legs, or flat-out ending the fight early with a devastating blow to the head.

6 NeverDead

Immortality, At What Cost?

Main character from Neverdead using severed hand to light cigarette

Playing as an immortal in a game seems like it would be a double-edged sword. On one hand, the power fantasy of tearing through legions of demons while you’re invincible is enticing. At the same time, what’s action without the risk of failure? This concept is explored by Konami and Rebellion’s forgotten title, NeverDead.


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Playing a demon-hunting immortal, you’ll be able to fight opponents who are trying desperately to rip you to pieces. Having your limbs severed is less of a problem than you might think, though, with your arms still able to fire their guns when they’re separate from your body and even your head rolling around on its own can solve puzzles. Still, even if the game doesn’t quite have a traditional health system, game over is a possibility. Certain demons can swallow up your head if that’s all that’s left, which, when paired with keeping your non-invulnerable companions alive, means that you’ll still risk losing if you play too carelessly.

7 Darkest Dungeon

As Life Ebbs, Terrible Vistas Of Emptiness Reveal Themselves

The Shieldbreaker is left on deaths door after an attack

The Darkest Dungeon is a Lovecraft-inspired strategy game that tasks you with purging the ancient evil lurking within the shadows. This deadly duty is carried out by a motley crew of heroes, including knights, thieves, grave robbers, and jesters, as you will need all the help you can get to rid the ancient grounds of the malicious taint. This task is no easy feat, and the deaths of your heroes is an unfortunate possibility.

Which is where the Death’s Door system comes into place. A system that is more commonly found in tabletop games, your characters reaching zero health points does not instantly spell their doom. Instead, each subsequent blow requires a dice roll to see if they can survive, allowing them to withstand several more powerful hits if luck is on your side. This is excellent for creating an aura of tension, as well as bringing a feeling of triumph when your hero overcomes the odds to remain alive.

8 Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed

Lewd, Even By Vampire Standards

Unison stripin Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed

There are certain games out there in which their title says it all, as is the case with Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed. The game takes place in the famous Akihabara neighborhood of Japan and battles the undead, and does so by stripping off their clothes. This bizarre premise makes a little more sense when it’s revealed that these ‘undead’ are more like vampires than zombies, meaning that sunlight is their weakness.

Still, the game is unique for other reasons as well. There is plenty of exploration to do, with the setting containing real-life locations that can be found in the actual Akihabara. These shops can be used to purchase gear and clothes for the main character since they are also one of these vampire-like beings, requiring them to have a full set of clothes to protect their body as well.


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