
A speedrunning dog named Peanut Butter just beat an obscure 1985 NES game live for charity, is the day’s goodest boy

In a decade of tuning into Awesome Games Done Quick, I’ve seen runners speed through gaming history while blindfolded, with hands tied behind their backs, and even two runners sharing a single controller, but I’ve never seen what happened today at AGDQ 2024: a dog and his owner teamed up to speedrun an NES classic live, and they smashed it.

The dog is an adorable Shiba Inu named Peanut Butter, and his owner is speedrunner JSR. Together, the pair ran Gyromite (in Game B mode), a 1985 Nintendo platformer that launched with the NES, using a custom-made dog-friendly controller with large colored buttons. Amazingly, Peanut Butter got it done in 26 minutes and 24 seconds, with only a single game over and minimal breaks for belly scratches.

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