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Helldivers 2 players trick developers by hiding their true feelings about LAS-16

Arrowhead Game Studios has set an early precedent for Helldivers 2. Nothing is sacred, and our favorite toys (RIP Railcannon) can be slapped with nerfs on a whim. In these trying times, players resort to a new tactic to keep their favorite weapons safe.

What’s so special about the LAS-16 in Helldivers 2?

The LAS-16 Sickle is a powerful new energy weapon and part of the Cutting Edge Premium Warbond. Many Helldivers have a gaping hole in their loadouts, thanks to the recent Breaker Shotgun nerf. The LAS-16 may be the tool to fill it, but if you browse the subreddit, you’d think quite the opposite.

Reddit user u/RocketBilly13 posted a thread simply titled, “The new Las-16 is possibly the worst gun ever released. Absolute garbage.” 

They are correct, of course, but reading through the thread, hundreds of comments would have players believe the weapon is pretty good. Jokes aside, the LAS-16 does feel pretty strong, but as it’s so new, there’s not been ample time for testing. Helldivers are keen to keep the potential of this new energy weapon away from the all-seeing eyes of Arrowhead Game Studios. I know this article isn’t helping, but if everyone starts using it, it doesn’t matter anyway!

If you do want to try the LAS-16 yourself, you’ll need to unlock the Cutting Edge Warbond. Premium Warbonds cost 1000 Super Credits, which can be purchased or found during missions. Once unlocked, you can buy the weapon for 20 Warbonds.

On a more serious note, the community is still divided over the developer’s stance on weapon balance. Many Helldivers are happy to see new weapons take the Breaker Shotgun’s mantle. Others are still sore about the community’s response to the recent Nerfs.

Arrowhead Game Studios have shown they aren’t afraid to rock the Drop Pod with sweeping changes that can turn the meta on its head. Enjoy the power while it lasts, and do your part in this epic battle for Democracy.

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