
Mega Heracross Raid Guide | Pokémon GO Hub

Heracross (Mega)

Mega Heracross is a Bug and Fighting type Mega Raid boss. Best Mega Heracross raid counters include powerful Flying, Fairy, Fire and Psychic types, with a focus on Flying types as it is 2x weak to Flying. This guide will tell you how to beat this Mega Beast, as well as its optimal stats, moves and CP range.

Depending on your levels and counters, we would recommend 5+ trainers who are high level, and more if you don’t have optimal teams. You need to be as prepared as possible when defeating a Mega Raid Boss, not only are they difficult to beat, but the quicker you beat it, the more Mega Energy you will get.

Mega Heracross Counters

Let’s check out the top raid counters for Mega Heracross:

While Shadow Pokémon are extremely expensive to power up, we have included the top Shadow Pokémon you can use against Mega Heracross. Ensure you no longer have Frustration on these Pokémon before considering adding them to your team. If you have any of these as an option, while they may take more damage than non-shadow Pokémon, they will also deal more.

Mega Heracross Moveset

Weather Effects

Your most hard-hitting counters will be Flying type due to the 2x weakness, so ideally you’re looking for Windy weather. This is the only weather that will boost you and not Mega Heracross’ potential movepool. However, with a lobby of strong attackers the weather should not be crucial to your gameplay.

How to Get Mega Heracross

You cannot catch Heracross in its mega evolved form from the raid. The mega raid boss is always catchable in its base form and as such, the CP ranges are for a regular Heracross.

Heracross can be caught with the following CP values:

  • 1693 – 1772 CP no weather boost
  • 2116 – 2215 CP boosted by Rainy and Cloudy weather boost

In order to get Mega Heracross you will need 400 Mega Energy for the initial evolution, then 40 Mega Energy to evolve the same Heracross again in the future. If you wait for their ‘cooldown’ period to end, Mega Evolution is free. This cooldown period is shorter the higher mega level your Mega Pokémon is.

Mega Energy can be obtained via Mega Heracross Raids, and once you have evolved Mega Heracross, you can earn 100 Mega Energy per candy while walking it as your buddy. You can walk any Heracross to earn Mega Energy, as long as you have previously evolved one to register it to your Mega Pokédex.

Shiny Heracross

Like all Mega/Mega Raid Bosses, you can catch the shiny version of Heracross from a raid.

Mega Heracross Stats

Heracross (Mega)


Max CP at lvl 40 4814
Max CP at lvl 50 5443
ATK 334 DEF 223 HP 190
Weak to Resistances
Flying Fairy Fire Psychic Bug Dark Fighting Grass Ground


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