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The Best Pro Tips To Play As Furina In Genshin Impact


  • Furina is a versatile Archon in Genshin Impact, able to heal or deal damage with her unique turrets based on her stance.
  • By increasing Furina’s HP, you can boost her elemental skill’s damage and healing capabilities, making her more effective in battles.
  • Pair Furina with specific healers such as Jean and Xianyun to maximize her potential in combat and utilize her Fanfare stacks effectively.



First introduced as the Hydro Archon and an eccentric performer, Furina is an incredibly compelling addition to the roster of playable characters in Genshin Impact. Furina is a Five-Star Hydro support that wields a sword and summons turrets onto the battlefield, which can deal damage to enemies or heal your active character.


Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions For Furina

Furina is one of the most flexible Archons in Genshin Impact, and here are all the teams you can use her in to beat the hardest content.

Like other units from Fontaine, Furina drains your character’s HP to provide different buffs, making her playstyle more difficult than other supports. If you are curious about the best way to utilize Furina on your Genshin Impact teams, then check out the tips below.

5 Furina Has Two Stances

A split image from Genshin Impact showcasing the differences between her two stances, which influences how her elemental skill works.

Unlike other characters in the game, Furina has a unique charge attack that changes her current stance, as well as her hairstyle, outfit, and most importantly her elemental skill. While Furina is wearing a black vest with short hair, Furina is in the ‘Ousia’ stance, and while wearing a white vest with longer hair, she is in the ‘Pneuma’ stance.

Depending on Furina’s stance, her basic attacks deal Pneuma or Ousia-aligned damage. In Fontaine, many enemies and puzzles require you to deal Pneuma or Ouisa damage, so Furina can easily complete these tasks.

Whenever Furina changes her stance, her Elemental Skill also changes; in the Ousia stance, Furina summons three Celebrants, or moving turrets, that deal Hydro Damage based on Furina’s maximum amount of HP. Whenever any of these Hydro turrets attack an enemy, they will drain a portion of your entire team’s HP to increase the Hydro damage they deal.

Switching to the Pneuma stance will transform the turrets into a singular ‘Singer Of Many Waters’ that heals your active character. The healing of the Singer is based on Furina’s maximum HP, but keep in mind this healing turret can not move like the Hydro Celebrants.

4 Furina’s Passive Scales With HP

An image from Genshin Impact of Furina's Unheard Confession Talent, which buffs her damage and healing based on her maximum HP

After you reach level 60 with Furina, you will unlock the ‘Unheard Confession’ ascension passive. This passive means that, for every 1,000 points of HP Furina possesses, it will increase the damage and healing of your elemental skill.

With this method, you can increase your elemental skill damage by 28 percent, and decrease the healing interval by 16 percent, meaning that you will heal faster. To best utilize this passive, you make sure that you either equip a weapon or an artifact that gives Furina a large amount of HP.

3 Furina’s HP Drain Activates Artifact Sets

An image from Genshin Impact of the Marechaussee Artifact Set. This artifact bonus rewards you with crit rate whenever you lose HP.

In the Court of Fontaine, there are specific artifact sets that work in tandem with HP draining mechanics to increase your overall damage. The Maruchesse Hunter set increases the Crit Rate of your active character depending on how much damage they have taken, up to a maximum increase of 36 percent Crit Rate.


Genshin Impact: Best Weapons For Furina

Furina is one of the strongest Hydro characters in Genshin Impact, and here are the best weapons you can use to make her even stronger.

Without Furina, these artifact sets were only usable on characters like Neuvillette or Lyney, since they both have HP draining mechanics in their kit. However, now that Furina’s elemental turrets drain your HP, any DPS in the game can equip this artifact set and easily benefit from these buffs.

2 Certain Healers Are Better Than Others

A split image from Genshin Impact of Jean, Baizhu, Charolette, and Xianyun, who are all healers that can heal the entire team's HP at once.

Since Furina’s Elemental Skill can constantly drain the HP of every character on your team, it is important to pick specific healers that specialize in healing multiple characters at once. Jean and Xianyun are two of the best healers you can run with Furina since their Elemental Bursts heal everyone in your party with just a click of a button.

Furthermore, Anemo units like Jean and Xianyun also help you group enemies and shred their resistance to hydro damage with the Viridescent Venerer artifact set. Luckily, you can also use other healers, like Baizhu and Charlotte, since their abilities heal your entire team at once.

1 Use Her Elemental Burst First

An image from Genshin Impact of Furina's Elemental Burst, where she calls forther her celebrants and buffs your team based on HP drain and healing.

Furina’s Elemental Burst, named ‘Let The People Rejoice’, should always be used at the start of combat before summoning any of her turrets or switching to another character. While ‘Let The People Rejoice’ is active, Furina will passively generate Fanfare stacks whenever any of your team members gain or lose HP.

Whenever Furina gains a stack of Fanfare, she increases the overall damage of your entire team, so it is important to activate this elemental burst before you switch to your main DPS units. Furthermore, you can use healers like Jean to instantly heal up your party after activating Furina’s elemental burst, thus ensuring that you gain a large chunk of Fanfare stacks right when combat begins.


Genshin Impact: Best Builds For Furina

Furina is the fifth Archon to be released as a playable character in Genshin Impact, and here’s everything you need to know about her best builds.

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