
The best version of Bethesda’s biggest RPG is finally finished, and it’s free for everyone

It’s been a long time coming, but the big day is finally here: Daggerfall Unity, the best version of Bethesda’s nearly 30-year-old open-world RPG, has now hit version 1.0 and is “considered complete.”

We all talk about Skyrim and Morrowind and Fallout 4, but I would argue that none of them were as influential as Daggerfall. It set the tone for three decades of RPG history: It was huge, it was open, it was epic, it was buggy as hell, and it was a hit that set Bethesda on a course it continues to follow today. Playing it these days, though, is a challenge: It looks rough (although it still sounds great), but the bigger issue is its straight-out-of-the-’90s interface, which has not aged well.

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