Gaming News

This Palworld Player Is Experiencing A ‘Cursed’ Bug

Palworld players are interesting.

Palworld has been a game that took over the internet seemingly over night, becoming so popular that it had more active players on Xbox than Fortnite at one point. This game is one that many says reminds them of Pokemon, however, the company hasn’t done anything against them as of yet – a lawyer that used to work for them even speaking out as well.

While this game is still in early access, there is granted to be bugs around any corner at any time. It hasn’t had a ton of problems with bugs but this one particular game has caused this player to be seeing a pixalated view of the game.

On a Reddit forum, the player said that they decided to “butcher a pal” in hopes of getting a legendary schematic but that they instead only got “cursed” with what appears to be a extremely blurry and pixaled version of the game.

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In the video they shared above, there seemed to be a big spare all around them making everything appear very pixlated while in the further corners things are rather clear. With exploring a bit further into this glitch, some people told the player that they can actually preform what is the butchering Pal glitch.

This is where a player can ride on top of a Pal and then they can keep butchering it over and over again – a bit curel. The best way to probably fix this glitch is simply logging off and back on.

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