
Turns out speedrunning Windows installs is a thing, so why not spare 106 seconds to watch the world’s most ‘heart-pounding’ record attempt?

Nothing beats the feel of a freshly installed operating system. It’s all so fast and snappy, with nothing clogging up the registry or start menu. The only problem is that it’s a bit of a drag to do, not least being the time spent waiting for Windows just to install itself. Wouldn’t it be great if it was all over in a couple of minutes? Turns out that this can actually be done and it’s been pared right down to 106 seconds.

You won’t be surprised to learn that the person who managed to do this is none other than NTDev, the creator of Tiny11. They seem to have a bit of a thing about the number 100, as that’s the smallest the developer has managed to shrink the Windows 11 install ISO to (albeit by junking the windows part of Windows).

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