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Which Legendary Weapons Are Worth Keeping?

There are lots of Legendary weapon variations in Fallout 76. Because of this, many players struggle with determining what is worth keeping, what’s worth selling, and what is worth turning in for Scrip. While it’s important to note that preference plays a large part in weapon value in Fallout 76, there are some legendary effects that are worth keeping an eye out for.



Most players, at some point, have unknowingly turned in a valuable weapon for Scrip or sold a costly weapon for cheap. With that in mind, this article aims to help players gauge a rough idea of which weapons are worth hanging on to based on a weapon’s type and characteristics.


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Two Shot Weapons

Shoot Two Projectiles Per Shot

Alien Blaster

For the most part, two-shot weapons aren’t all that worthwhile. However, there are a couple that can be pretty powerful, and one is a contender for the best weapon in the game.

Unfortunately, the two-shot effect does not mean double damage. The second shot does 25% of the damage that the first shot does. Overall, it’s not the best prefix to have on a weapon, but as mentioned, there is one weapon that does lots of damage with this prefix: the Alien Blaster. Keep in mind that it needs to have the following secondary effects on it for it to be a fantastic weapon: Two Shot, 50% Crit Damage, 25% VATS Reduction.

Should a player come across that weapon, either keep it or trade it for something rare. Never turn it in for Scrip. It’s simply too valuable. Other weapons that hold some value with this prefix include:



The Fixer

Two Shot | Explosive | 25% VATS Reduction

The Fixer

Two Shot | 50% Crit Damage | 25% VATS Reduction

The Fixer

Two Shot | 25% Faster Fire Rate | 25% VATS Reduction

Vampire’s Weapons

Replenish Health While Attacking

Enclave Plasma Rifle Top-Level

Being able to replenish health points while attacking can be a very powerful effect on a weapon. This works particularly well with automatic melee weapons, and fast-firing ranged weapons with a large ammo capacity. Vampire’s weapons work well for both low-level and high-level players. They tend to be useful for killing regular enemies as well as bosses. Most veteran players have a couple of Vampire’s weapons that they use fairly regularly.

There are a select few Vampire’s weapons that are seen as very useful due to how much damage they can inflict while also keeping the user alive and well.



Enclave Plasma Rifle

Vampire’s | 25% Faster Fire Rate | 15% Faster Reload


Vampire’s | 25% Faster Fire Rate | 25% VATS Reduction

The Fixer

Vampire’s | 25% Faster Fire Rate | 25% VATS Reduction

Auto Axe

Vampire’s | 40% Damage While Power Attacking | Take 40% Less Damage While Power Attacking

Bloodied Weapons

Do More Damage With Lower Health

The Fixer in Fallout 76

Bloodied weapons are very popular among high-level players. Newer players will have noticed that most veteran players always have low health. The main reason for this is to maximize damage done by bloodied weapons. Bloodied weapons allow the player to do more damage the lower their health is. The percentage of additional damage depends on the player’s overall health. The maximum is a 95% damage boost if the player is at 20% health or lower.


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Keeping weapons in good condition is an undeniable need that every Fallout 76 player should always be worrying about.

With the right combination of legendary effects, bloodied weapons are some of the best weapons in the game. The ones to look out for can be seen in the table below.



The Fixer

Bloodied | Explosive | 25% Reduced Vats


Bloodied | 50% Crit Damage | 25% Reduced Vats

Enclave Plasma

Bloodied | 25% Faster Fire Rate | 15% Faster Reload Speed


Bloodied | 40% Power Attack Damage | Take 40% Less Damage While Power Attacking

Quad Weapons

More Bullets Means More Damage


Quad weapons have the potential to be incredibly useful. The quad effect is unique in the sense that it is possible to successfully use a one-star quad weapon and still do a lot of damage. However, ideally, like with all weapons in Fallout 76, it should be a three-star legendary weapon.

As its name suggests, the quad effect means that a particular weapon will carry four times the amount of ammo in the chamber as normal. This is particularly useful for weapons like Railway Rifles and The Fixer due to their fairly low standard ammo capacity. There are lots of quad weapons that are worth hanging on to. But there are a few that are seen as Grolls (God Rolls). These include the following:



Handmade/ The Fixer/ Railway Rifle

Quad | 50% Crit Damage | 25% VATS Reduction

Handmade/ The Fixer/ Railway Rifle

Quad | Explosive | 25% VATS Reduction

Handmade/ The Fixer/ Railway Rifle

Quad | 25% Faster Fire Rate | 25% VATS Reduction

Highest Value Weapons Overall

Railway Rifle Top-Level

The very best weapons in Fallout 76 will fetch a very nice price. It is important to note that Caps are useless when it comes to buying or selling the most valuable weapons in Fallout 76. Players typically trade rare weapons for things like rare apparel and lots of Leader Bobbleheads.


Fallout 76: 10 Most Valuable Legendary Weapons

Players interested in the most valuable Legendary Weapons in Fallout 76 don’t have to look much further than these examples.

Some of the most valuable weapons in the game are listed below. There are many more high-value weapons in Fallout 76, but the ones listed below are some of the best that players can have in terms of damage.




Bloodied | 50%Crit Damage | 25% VATS Reduction

Enclave Plasma Rifle

Vampire’s | 25% Faster Fire Rate | 15% Reload Speed

Tesla Rifle

Quad | 25% Faster Fire Rate | 15% Reload Speed


Quad | 50% Crit Damage | 25% VATS Reduction


Quad | 50% Crit Damage | 25% VATS Reduction

Railway Rifle

Quad | Explosive | 25% VATS Reduction

Railway Rifle

Quad | 50% Crit Damage | 25% VATS Reduction

Railway Rifle

Quad | 25% Faster Fire Rate | 25% VATS Reduction

Alien Blaster

Two Shot | 50% Crit Damage | 25% VATS Reduction

Top Pricing Tips

Vault 33 Backpack Fallout 76

If a player is unsure whether a weapon is valuable or not, there are a few places that they can go for some advice. The first place is Reddit. There are plenty of useful places on Reddit where players can go for tips on weapon values, like Market76 and FO76.

The most popular place to go for weapon value advice is Fed76. Fed76 allows users to put in a weapon and its effects, and then the site will give you an estimated value. It’s worth noting that the value is just a rough guide, but it tends to give the player a general idea of an item’s value.

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