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Who Are The Asari In Mass Effect?

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  • Where Do The Asari Come From?
  • How Long Do Asari Live For?

Mass Effect is all about aliens. In this series, most alien races have been fully integrated with humans and share a society together. Each alien race has thorough lore about what they are, where they come from, and even how they reproduce.




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The Asari are a common alien race you will bump into often in the video games. Female, blue-toned, and the general personality of having a head on their shoulders. You can even romance one. But what are the Asari, really?

Who Are The Asari?

Mass_Effect Asari With biotic energy, glaring at camera

The Asari are a mono-sex species. This means that all Asari are female. Where they come from, there are animals that have opposite sexes, so this is only unique to their species.

When speaking to one of your companions, Liara T’Soni, you can learn that Asari do not really see themselves as female.

It is believed that they use female pronouns to make communication easier between other species. This could be because Asari culture is rooted in everyone being one with each other, not separate.

All Asari are born with biotic abilities. This could be because their home planet naturally produces element zero, the material required to create biotic energy. You must have element zero within your body in order to use biotic abilities.

Where Do The Asari Come From?

Mass effect thessia home planet of the asari

Asari are native to Thessia. They are actually a part of the Milky Way and are one of the first species to space travel to different planets. Asari are known to be extremely intelligent and great political leaders.

Instead of a developed government, the Asari have a system in place that allows all Asari to have opinions on what happens in their community.

Every Asari has a say about what happens in their society, through open-minded debates. They are a species that believes in becoming one with each other, spiritually.

How Do Asari Reproduce?

Male Commander Shephard and Liara T'Soni putting their faces close together

The Asari are the one race that remains female, no matter who they procreate with.

Despite their humanoid appearance, they reproduce by a form of parthenogenesis, which basically means asexual reproduction. The Asari do not perform a physical act to reproduce, but rather a physiological or mental one.

Asari reproduce through what is called Melding, where they connect nervous systems with their partner. Because of their asexual reproduction, they are able to reproduce with any species. Physical anatomy does not need to match.

Within the Asari community, it is encouraged to have children with other alien species to enhance the abilities of the Asari species. No matter who they mate with, the child will come out an Asari, but take the talents of the paternal side.

Liara T’Soni’s paternal side is of a different alien species
, but she does not know who.

How Long Do Asari Live For?

Mass Effect Garrus and Liara beside each other

Most alien species in Mass Effect age longer than humans. Asari can live for an upwards of 1,000 years.

In the first Mass Effect, Liara T’Soni says that she is 106 years old, which is considered an adolescent for Asari. Matriarch Benezia is believed to be close to 1,000 years old, due to her title as a Matriarch.

There are three stages of life for Asari, the Maiden, Matron, and Matriarch.

Life Stage

Human Equivalent

Maiden (100+ y/o)

Adolescence. Starts when puberty hits.

Matron (350+ y/o)

Young adult. This is when they seek to have kids and start a family.

Matriarch (700+ y/o)

Senior. They go on to teach and spread wisdom.


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