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Gears of War 6 may finally be coming soon as JD actor drops big tease

Playing Gears of War, all the way back in 2006, remains one of my greatest videogame memories ever. It’s hard to overemphasize just how good it felt. The weighty, cover-based shooting (back when that was a novelty), the explosive sound design, and, of course, tearing through Locust with the Lancer’s chainsaw – GoW remains, to this day, one of the all-time greats. And now, the series’ return seems to finally be on the horizon. Five years since Gears 5, the actor behind JD Fenix shares an extremely telling tease for Gears of War 6.

Gears of War has gone through high points and low points – the original trilogy is still remarkable; GoW 4 and 5 are solid, though less impressive. A vicious, violent co-op game with some of the best weapon and world design ever, five years since the last outing, the promise of Gears of War 6 is more tantalizing than ever. Microsoft has already confirmed an Xbox showcase for this coming June. Now, the actor behind JD Fenix, Marcus’ son, heavily implies that GoW 6 will be revealed.

A quick notice: if you haven’t played Gears of War 5 yet, the rest of this article will spoil the game’s ending. If you don’t want to know what happens, turn back now.

As you might remember, at the end of Gears 5, we’re given a choice between saving JD or fellow COG Del Walker. Depending on who we choose, the other is tragically killed by Reyna, the Queen of the Swarm. Over on X (formerly Twitter), a fan asks Liam McIntyre, the voice actor who plays JD, whether or not the character’s death is canon to the broader GoW story. In response, the actor offers a sizable hint at the series’ future: “I have no idea,” the actor writes. “I think @GearsofWar will tell us all in June.”

Gears of War 6 reveal: A tweet from Gears 5 actor Liam McIntyre

So, we know an Xbox showcase is coming in June. And now one of the main actors from GoW is saying we’ll learn more about the series that same month. It’s not quite a confirmation that Gears of War 6 will soon be revealed, but it feels mighty close. I’d better get my Thrashball out of the attic.

While we wait to hear more about GoW 6, check out the best upcoming PC games that we can expect in 2024, or maybe the greatest FPS games, if you want to get even closer to the action.

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